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Law Offices of James C. Zimmermann locations:

Local Ratings & Reviews (2)

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5.0 / 5.0

I’ve worked with Mr.Zimmerman on two different legal issues. In both instances he was fantastic! He is extremely knowledgeable and compassionate and able to breakdown a course of action into language anyone can understand. I would highly recommend him to anyone.

— Client 08/28/2023

5.0 / 5.0

I highly recommend Mr. Zimmermann as an attorny. I recently purchased an investment property and boy was he helpful. He was easily available, very clear in explaining various concepts, laws and regulations, and provided very helpful tips on negotiating. I found his fee to be more than reasonable espcecially given the incredible availability he provides. In addition, he's very flexible, and he has first-person experience with various trade workers, so that when we needed to have some feature evaluated, it was arranged lightning fast. The fee was reasonable, the results were thorough and the outcome was extremely good. I was, honestly, like a babe in the woods in navigating this transaction, but with Jim taking the time to walk me through everything and explain/answer any questions I had, it was a completely pleasant experience. And I got the property I wanted for the price I was willing to pay. Let's not overlook the staff: totally helpful and knowledgeable. 5 Stars in my book.

— Client 04/20/2020